Romans 4:13
13For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.
God promised that you would be the heir of the world. It is the same promise that He made to Abraham. And because you are Christ’s, you are Abraham’s seed and an heir “according to the promise”. (Galatians 3:29)
Now, when God made this promise to you, He made it so easy for you to receive — “through the righteousness of faith”. All you have to do is believe that, as the heir of the world, every blessing is righteously yours because Jesus died to give them to you. He also rose from the dead to enforce them in your life.
So don’t try to earn your blessings “through the law” — through your own effort or performance. Freely receive what God freely gives to you through Christ and His finished work at the cross.
When a church member was retrenched at 41 years of age, he refused to fret or think that he had to jostle with the rest of the people in the job market. Instead, he believed that he would get a better job with a higher pay — by God’s grace. Indeed, through a mutual acquaintance, a new job came along with a pay packet that was 60 per cent more than his previous one!
Another man was experiencing a strained relationship with his wife, to the point that divorce was imminent. When he started attending our church, he realised that a happy marriage could be his, not by his trying to keep the marriage going or earning the love of his wife, but by believing that although he had been a lousy husband, he was still the righteousness of God in Christ because of the blood of Jesus. Today, he and his wife are reconciled and enjoying a blessed marriage.
Don’t let the devil disqualify you by bringing you the law and saying, “How can you receive this blessing when just last night, you broke God’s law?” or “Are you sure you deserve this?” Instead, say, “Father, I thank you that I receive everything freely by Your grace, Your unmerited favour in my life, because of the blood of Jesus!”
Matthew 6:1, "Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven."
The motive behind our gift is more important than the gift itself. Paul said if he gave all of his goods to feed the poor, or if he made the ultimate sacrifice of giving his own life for someone else, and wasn't motivated by love, his gift would profit him nothing (1 Cor. 13:3).
Many Christians give faithfully but never see the hundredfold return that the Lord promised because of wrong motives (Mk. 10:29-30). Paul said God loves a cheerful giver - not one who gives grudgingly or out of debt (2 Cor. 9:7).
Jesus gave us the key to purifying our motives in this same teaching. He said, "But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth" (Mt. 6:3). Giving in a manner in which you will not receive recognition for your gifts will guarantee that your motives are right and grant you the true joy that comes through selfless giving (Acts 20:24).
Ask the Lord to show you an opportunity today to give a kind word or a helping hand to someone who will not be able to repay you and others will never know about it. This could be a motorist in a traffic jam, a co-worker, a spouse, a child who won't even notice your kind deed, or any number of other people. Opportunities are all around us.