[St. Thomas's Cathedral, St. Francis's, Lundu, St. Paul's Siol Kandis, St. Faith's, Kenyalang, St. Basil's, Batu Kawa, St. Francis's, Kota Samarahan, Tabuan Jaya Anglican Church]

Matthew 7:20, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
MATTHEW 7:12-20

The way that you can tell whether a person is genuine or not is by the fruit they produce. This fruit is speaking of lifestyle. Jesus made the point that you don't get bad fruit from a good tree, and you don't get good fruit from a bad tree. Many people say one thing, but their actions speak so loudly that you really can't hear what they are saying. If you are in doubt about whether a person is genuine or not, or whether you should receive from them and follow their teaching, look at the fruit they are producing.

In evaluating ministers and ministries, more attention should be given to the fruit that is being produced. Failure to do this could lead someone to reject and even discredit a minister who simply makes a mistake or is wrong in one area. Every minister has shortcomings, just as every other member of the Body of Christ does. But that doesn't mean his ministry is bad. Look at the fruit.

Fruit is the true test of ministers and ministries. If people are being saved, if lives are being changed, there is good fruit. Even though the minister may say something bad and make mistakes, the fruit is good.

Therefore, you can say that the tree is good. When a person says all of the right things and may seem sincere, but you see the lives of people around them shattered and torn, and in confusion and distress, then the fruit is bad. You can judge the effectiveness of a person by the fruit that they are producing in their life. In ministry you can judge the effectiveness of a minister by the fruit that his ministry is producing.

Today, make sure that the fruit that comes from your life is positive. Make sure that you are making a positive impact on people's lives, that you are turning people to the Lord and not leaving them hurt and confused. People are looking at you to see what type of fruit you are bearing.

Shalom semua agen-agen Syurgawi yang diberkati.

Berakhir sudah Youth Leadership retreat bagi ADYC Region SIX. Segala kelengkapan sudah di lengkapi, urapan Roh Kudus sudah dipenuhkan...maka mulakan tuaian.
Terus kukuh dan teguh dalam perlayanan muda-mudi, jangan goyah kerana kita tahu siapa bersama kita. Teruskan berdoa bagi diri kita masing-masing. Saat semasa retreat akan tetap menjadi memori indah dalam perlayanan kita untuk muda-mudi. BerAKSIlah Agent Syurgawi. Amen

Shalom semua saudara/I yang dikasihi Tuhan.

Untuk ruangan kali ini, saya ingin berkongsi firman Tuhan bertajuk ‘Boleh kah saya ingin kaya?’. Maka apa jawapan saudara/i? sudah pasti ada yang mengatakan mau kaya ATAU ada yang tidak mau kaya. Tapi apapun jawapan kita, mari kita melihat dari firman Tuhan.

Firman Tuhan PERTAMA: Mathew 6:19-20
….Janganlah kamu mengumpulkan harta di bumi; di bumi ngengat dan karat merusakkannya dan pencuri membongkar serta mencurinya. Tetapi kumpulkanlah bagimu harta di sorga; di sorga ngengat dan karat tidak merusakkannya dan pencuri tidak membongkar serta mencurinya. Karena di mana hartamu berada, di situ juga hatimu berada.

Jelas firman Tuhan menjelaskan, janganlah kita menjadikan Tuhan sebagai tempat kita minta ingin kaya didunia ini. Kekayaan itu adalah sia-sia kerana kumpulkanlah harta di Syurga pasti tidak ada karatnya, pencuri tidak akan membongkarkannya.

Firman Tuhan KEDUA: Kolose 3: 1
…Karena itu, kalau kamu dibangkitkan bersama dengan Kristus, carilah perkara yang di atas, di mana Kristus ada, duduk di sebelah kanan Allah. Pikirkanlah perkara yang di atas, bukan yang di bumi.

Jelas sekali, Tuhan berfirman-kita harus memikirkan perkara diatas bukannya yang terdapat didunia ini. Kita kumpulkan harta di syurga.

Firman Tuhan KETIGA: 1 Timoti 6:6-10
But true faith, with peace of mind, is of great profit:
1Ti 6:7 For we came into the world with nothing, and we are not able to take anything out;
1Ti 6:8 But if we have food and a roof over us, let that be enough.
1Ti 6:9 But those who have a desire for wealth are falling into danger, and are taken as in a net by a number of foolish and damaging desires, through which men are overtaken by death and destruction.
1Ti 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all evil: and some whose hearts were fixed on it have been turned away from the faith, and been wounded with unnumbered sorrows.

Maka Tuhan menyatakan dengan serius sekali cukuplah jika ada makanan dan pakaian dan sikap cinta wang adalah akar segala kejahatan.

Secara kesimpulannya, kita tidak boleh menyimpan niat ingin kaya. Kerana jika kita tetap dalam firman dan tetap didalam Tuhan maka Dia Tuhan yang akan memerdekakan kamu. Dia akan memberkati bukan oleh kemahuanmu sendiri tetapi Tuhan punya rencana yang cukup indah bagi kamu yang percaya kepadaNYA.

Namun kumpulkanlah harta di syurga (Rome 12:9-13), maka harta itu tidak ada cacat cela, tidak karat sama sekali malah pencuri tidak akan mengambilnya.

Salam Damai Tuhan Jesus Kristus menyertai kita selama-lamanya. Amen.

Shalom semua saudara/I yang diberkati Tuhan.

BAU, singai - 24 Oktober 2009 (Sabtu), Exco ADYC region SIX yang terlibat dengan penganjuran Youth Leadership Retreat untuk tahun 2009 (27-29 November) telah melakukan lawatan awal ke Mount Singai, Bau. Tujuan lawatan untuk mengadakan serta mendirikan DOA SYAFAAT di atas Mount Singai, Bau sebagai salah satu persediaan awal sebelum aktiviti retreat nanti berlangsung. TERUSKAN berdoa untuk program ini.

Kemulian bagi TUHAN kita.

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ
and wishing you peace and much happiness as you read this ADYC region 6 edition.

As an organization that ministers to the youth in ADYC region SIX, we have one intention; that is to bring the youth to follow Christ. We thank our Lord God for laying His hands on the region SIX and for guiding us through our activities. We will continue to seek God’s favour upon our Church and will glorify and honour Him in all our activities as we search for the treasures of God’s Kingdom. Our treasure is not found on earth but in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to remind us that as Kingdom Youths, we should be FAITHFUL to JESUS, whatever happens to us. Now if we are children of God, then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, and we must share in his sufferings so we may also share in His glory.

This time, I would like to share on the word of God taken from Saint Matthew 7: 9-11 ‘Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!’

Iban translation Matthew 7:9-11 ‘Kati kita ti apai orang deka kita meri batu ka anak kita, enti iya minta roti? Deka kita meri iya ular enti iya minta ikan? Jai-jai pen kita, nemu mega kita meri utai ti manah ngagai anak kita. Apai kita ti di serega lebih agi deka meri utai ti manah ngagai sida ti minta ari iya.’

As a younger generation this passage is very meaningful in our lives. It gives assurance that Our Father in Heaven has promises good things to all who are faithful in His ministry. Whatever happens in our lives do not turn back but look forward and be positive - God will give the best of all things to each and everyone of us – so trust God.

What Jesus promises here is an insight and direction given that the Holy Spirit wants to work within us. Jesus promises that we will receive all the things we need whenever we ask in his name. So as the Holy Spirit directs our hearts, let us desire those things that will benefit us spiritually. Let us continue to have faith so to see things accomplished as the fulfillment of his promise.

+Robin Maramat

Region SIX Logo designed by Mr. Duane Reggie.

Tema Retreat : 'Kingdom Agent' (1 Peter 4:10)
Tarikh : 27-29 November 2009
Tempat : Mount Singai, Bau
Speaker : Revd. Roanie Cannidy dan Revd Bradley sangan
Bayaran penyertaan : RM 35/- seorang



Dibawah ini adalah perkara yang boleh di doakan [sebagai bimbingan dan anda semua boleh membuat penambahan yang bersesuaian

1. Berdoa untuk keamanan di seluruh dunia.
2. Berdoa untuk negara kita MALAYSIA terutamanya di musim sambutan kemerdekaan, untuk kestabilan Politik, Ekonomi, Keamanan, Kesejahteraan dan keharmonian sejagat.
3. Berdoa untuk negeri kita SARAWAK. Mohon Tuhan melimpahkan berkat untuk negeri kita SARAWAK supaya terus aman, harmoni dan kita bebas memuji dan menyembah Tuhan Jesus Kristus serta Tuhan akan menyentuh jiwa-jiwa yang belum mengenal Tuhan Jesus Kristus.
4. Berdoa untuk Gereja kita, Padri penguasa, Penolong, PCC, Women Fellowship, PYF dan seluruh perlayanan yang ada di Gereja
5. Berdoa untuk setiap Parish Youth Fellowship supaya terus kukuh berdiri dalam perlayanan muda-mudi, Tuhan memberikan kesatuan, kekuatan, memimpin dan membimbing kita serta merencanakan semua aktiviti-aktviti yang akan datang.
6. Berdoa untuk kalangan kita yang masih bersekolah yang akan menduduki peperiksaan UPSR, PMR, SPM, STPM dan juga di peringkat Kolej atau Universiti. Mohon Tuhan memberkati dengan keputusan yang cemerlang.
7. Berdoa untuk kalangan kita yang masih mencari pekerjaan yang bersesuaian. Mohon Tuhan memudahkan segala urusan mencari pekerjaan yang sesuai menurut rencana Tuhan.
8. Berdoa untuk ahli keluarga kita, jiran tetangga, kawan-kawan dan sahabat di dalam Tuhan.
9. Berdoa untuk mereka yang sakit, dalam kesusahan dan kebuluran tidak cukup makanan.

Adalah menjadi harapan agar semua ahli PYF dapat menjadikan perayaan Doa ini sebagai permulaan asas menjadikan doa sebagai salah satu yang perlu dilakukan setiap masa. Doa adalah suatu pertalian dan perhubungan terus dengan Tuhan. TUHAN MEMBERKATI.

John 4:24, "God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth."

Man dwells primarily in the physical and emotional realm, but God is a Spirit (1 Sam. 16:7). To have true fellowship with God, we have to relate to God on the spiritual level.

In order to make this possible, God changed our spirit. At salvation, our spirit became totally new (11 Cor. 5:17). It is now righteous and truly holy (Eph. 4:24). It is now exactly the way Jesus is, because our born again spirit is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Jn. 4:17; 1 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 8:9; Gal. 4:6).

In our spirits we are worthy to come before God and worship Him without any fear. Our spirit is the only part of us that is worthy. That's why we must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

When we come before God dwelling on all our failures and problems, we are not approaching Him through our spirit. Our spirit is not our problem. Our born again spirit is perfect.

There is a place for mentioning our problems and failures but it's not the part of us that has been saved and is in fellowship with God. We must always base our relationship with the Father on who we are in our spirit through Christ Jesus.


Shalom semua ADYC Region 6.

Saya telah meletakkan Blogspot ini sebagai pusat kita berdoa dan mengetahui segala perkembangan mengenai RETREAT ADYC REGION 6 yang akan berlangsung pada hujung bulan NOVEMBER nanti.

Saya berharap semua boleh mnyumbangkan IDEA, DOA serta DORONGAN bagi memberkati antara satu sama lain. Sebarkan kepada ahli lain. SATU LAGI, KALIAN SEMUA BOLEH KOMEN pada ruangan KOMEN. Cuma click sahaja.


Salam Damai Kristus sentiasa bersama kita semua.


ADYC Region 6 akan menganjurkan Retreat bermula pada 27-29 November 2009 di Gunung Singai, di Bau.
Maklumat lanjut boleh menghubungi Chairperson PYF Gereja masing-masing.



Time is GOLD

Chat BOX

Organization Chart

.:. Revd. Father Ronnie Cannidy

Executive Member
:. Chairman : Mr. Stuart Otto
:. V. Chairman : Mr. Calvin Tarang
:. Hon Secretary : Duane Reggie
:. V. H. Secretary : Morrison Joshua
:. Hon Tresurer : Ms. Phyllis Montegrai

:. V. H. Treasurer: Shelly Rendan Labang

Committee Member
:. Ms Suzanne Empam

:. Mr. Robin Maramat

:. Mr. Dana

:. Mr. Christopher Chan

Reprensentative member

:. Ms. Lulu Law (St Thomas’s)

:. Mr. Nevin Samson (St Faith’s )

:. Mr. Josef Damu (St Basil’s)

:. Mr. John Buda (St Francis Samarahan)

:. Mr. Mark Andrew (St Paul’s)

:. Mr. Eric Tan (Tabuan Jaya)

IP Addresses
