Shalom semua saudara/I yang diberkati Tuhan.
BAU, singai - 24 Oktober 2009 (Sabtu), Exco ADYC region SIX yang terlibat dengan penganjuran Youth Leadership Retreat untuk tahun 2009 (27-29 November) telah melakukan lawatan awal ke Mount Singai, Bau. Tujuan lawatan untuk mengadakan serta mendirikan DOA SYAFAAT di atas Mount Singai, Bau sebagai salah satu persediaan awal sebelum aktiviti retreat nanti berlangsung. TERUSKAN berdoa untuk program ini.
Kemulian bagi TUHAN kita.
11 years ago
wah....nice new layout ~ congratS
To all the Working Committee for the Leader's Retreat,
I would like to thank all of you for all your support towards this programme. It was a great day for all of us having fellowship and praying together at Mount Singai recently. Keep praying and I believe that the good LORD JESUS is with us. We have about 2 more weeks to go and let's prepare ourselves and give the best for JESUS. Glory to GOD in the highest!
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