Shalom semua saudara/I yang diberkati Tuhan.
BAU, singai - 24 Oktober 2009 (Sabtu), Exco ADYC region SIX yang terlibat dengan penganjuran Youth Leadership Retreat untuk tahun 2009 (27-29 November) telah melakukan lawatan awal ke Mount Singai, Bau. Tujuan lawatan untuk mengadakan serta mendirikan DOA SYAFAAT di atas Mount Singai, Bau sebagai salah satu persediaan awal sebelum aktiviti retreat nanti berlangsung. TERUSKAN berdoa untuk program ini.
Kemulian bagi TUHAN kita.
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ
and wishing you peace and much happiness as you read this ADYC region 6 edition.
As an organization that ministers to the youth in ADYC region SIX, we have one intention; that is to bring the youth to follow Christ. We thank our Lord God for laying His hands on the region SIX and for guiding us through our activities. We will continue to seek God’s favour upon our Church and will glorify and honour Him in all our activities as we search for the treasures of God’s Kingdom. Our treasure is not found on earth but in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to remind us that as Kingdom Youths, we should be FAITHFUL to JESUS, whatever happens to us. Now if we are children of God, then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, and we must share in his sufferings so we may also share in His glory.
This time, I would like to share on the word of God taken from Saint Matthew 7: 9-11 ‘Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!’
Iban translation Matthew 7:9-11 ‘Kati kita ti apai orang deka kita meri batu ka anak kita, enti iya minta roti? Deka kita meri iya ular enti iya minta ikan? Jai-jai pen kita, nemu mega kita meri utai ti manah ngagai anak kita. Apai kita ti di serega lebih agi deka meri utai ti manah ngagai sida ti minta ari iya.’
As a younger generation this passage is very meaningful in our lives. It gives assurance that Our Father in Heaven has promises good things to all who are faithful in His ministry. Whatever happens in our lives do not turn back but look forward and be positive - God will give the best of all things to each and everyone of us – so trust God.
What Jesus promises here is an insight and direction given that the Holy Spirit wants to work within us. Jesus promises that we will receive all the things we need whenever we ask in his name. So as the Holy Spirit directs our hearts, let us desire those things that will benefit us spiritually. Let us continue to have faith so to see things accomplished as the fulfillment of his promise.
+Robin Maramat